I have a high interest in the years before World War II in Germany and World War II in Europe. I want to know why such a bad party as the Nazi-party (NSDAP) won the elections in 1933 in Germany and lead Germany to the abyss in the years after 1933 and killed so many innocent people in death camps (Auschwitz, Teblinka etc.) and why 55 million people died in this war. Could this happen again ?
I just found an amazing story about Hitler. We have all learned in school that he died in 1945. Now there is a story that he did not die in 1945, but lived until 1986 (yes you're reading it right!).
What is going on here ?
Adolf Hitler was declared legally dead only on October 25, 1956. He was born on april 20th 1889 in Braunau (Austria).
He was a member of the German army during the first World War (WWI). Hitler joined the NSDAP-party in september 1919.
Motives for Hitlers dead in 1945:
- with the dead of Hitler the alliance between the USSR and the USA could be broken and the 'cold war' could be started.
- with the dead of Hitler Stalin could not reproach the western (GB/USA) power that they had protected Hitler.
- with the dead of Hitler no expensive legal process had to be done.
In Germany there is a new movie called "Er is wieder da" (He is here again) about Hitler being alive in 2015 (!).
Book on Hitler died in Argentina by Abel Basti and Jan van Helsing.
https://www.internetboekhandel.nl/base/4X/content/909028334X.pdf (First pages in Dutch)
Hitler’s Antarctic base: the myth and the reality
FBI files on Hitler
Escape route of Adolf Hitler
Berlin - Unter den Linden/Tiergarten with a JU52 plane to Tonder (DK) / pilot Flt. Kpt. Peter Baumgart (KG 200 unit) on april 29th 1945
Thonder Denmark with a JU52 plane to Travermünde (D) or with a JU252 plane to Spain mainland
Germany Travermünde ???
Spain mainland with U518
Spain Canary Islands with U530 to Argentina ??
Argentina Santo Pipo Missiones province
Argentina Bariloche Inalco House
Hunting Hitler on History Channel in 2015 (Series 1)
Episode 1 The hunt begins
Episode 2 Secret Nazi Lair
Episode 3 Escape from Berlin (april 21 1945)
Episode 4 The Tunnel [U6 u-bahn Berlin]
Episode 5 Ratlines
Episode 6 Hitlers SafeHouse
Episode 7 Friends in high places
Episode 8 Hitlers Plane
Hunting Hitler on History Channel in 2016 (Series 2)
Episode 1 The hunt continues
Episode 2 The Compound
Episode 3 Eyewitness
Episode 4 Die Spinne
Episode 5 The Factory
Episode 6 Atom Island (Bariloche) Dr. Richter
Episode 7 Grave M. Bormann
Episode 8 Bavarian city (Chili)
Declaration of War from Argentina on Germany was on march 27 1945.
Conference in Potsdam (Germany) was from july 17 1945 until august 2 1945.
Stalin talked about Hitler being not dead. He escaped by u-boat Stalin told everyone.
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