GNS3 LAB with latest Cisco IOS releases

GNS3 2.1.17

Cisco Configuration Professional version 2.8 (graphical management of Cisco Routers)

Java 6 update 33 for Cisco Configuration Professional 2.8 (Browser support)
x86 version
x64 version

Cisco 3640 IOS 12.4 Advanced IP Services Release 25d

Cisco 3725 IOS 12.4 Advanced IP Services Release 25d

Cisco 7206VXR IOS 12.4 Advanced IP Services T5/T8 Release

Cisco 7206VXR IOS 15.4 Advanced IP Services M10 Release


Step 1: Install GNS3 2.1.17 and run GNS3 port 3080 TCP (default port)
Step 2: Download IOS images and put them in C:\Users\%Username%\GNS3\Images\IOS
Step 3: Create 3725 Router with c3725-advipservicesk9-mz.124-25d.bin (128 MB memory)
Step 4: Create 7206 Router with c7200p-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.bin (512 MB memory)
Step 5: Create 7206 Router with c7200-advipservicesk9-mz.152-4.M10.bin (512 MB memory)
Step 6: Create 3640 Etherswitch with c3640-ik9o3s-mz.124-25d.bin (128 MB memory)
Step 7: Create Microsoft KM-Test Loopback adapter network adapter in Windows
Step 8: Create Cloud in GNS3 and connect this cloud to Loopback (see step 7)
Step 9: Installl Java 8 update 212
Step 10: Install Java 6 update 33
Step 11: Install Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP) version 2.8 [Do NOT Run!]
Step 12: run Javacpl.exe and add to site list (under security)
Step 13: run Javacpl.exe and add -Xmx256m to runtime parameters
Step 14: Turn Compatibility View on Ineternet Explorer
Step 15: Turn Compatibility on for CiscoCP.exe (Cisco CCP 2.8 executable)

Deming [Plan-Do-Check-Act] and ISO/IEC 9001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Deming [PLAN] and ISO/IEC High Level Structure (HLS) Management System

Clause 4.0 Context of the Organization

ISO/IEC 9001:2015
More info

ISO/IEC 27001:2013
More info:

Clause 5.0 Leadership

ISO/IEC 9001:2015 
More info

ISO 27001:2013
More info

Clause 6.0 Planning

ISO/IEC 9001:2015 
More info

Clause 7.0 Support (Resources, Competence, Awereness, Communication, Documented Information (manual, Procedures, Work instructions))

ISO/IEC 9001:2015 
More info

Deming [DO] and ISO 9001:2015
Clause 8.0 Operation (produce the product and deliver the service)

Deming [CHECK] and ISO 9001:2015
Clause 9.0 Performance evaluation (measurement, analysis, evaluation) with the PKIs / Audits

Deming [ACT] and ISO 9001:2015
Clause 10.0 Improvement

Hitler still alive untill 1986 ?

I have a high interest in the years before World War II in Germany and World War II in Europe. I want to know why such a bad party as the Nazi-party (NSDAP) won the elections in 1933 in Germany and lead Germany to the abyss in the years after 1933 and killed so many innocent people in death camps (Auschwitz, Teblinka etc.) and why 55 million people died in this war. Could this happen again ?

I just found an amazing story about Hitler. We have all learned in school that he died in 1945. Now there is a story that he did not die in 1945, but lived until 1986 (yes you're reading it right!).
What is going on here ?

Adolf Hitler was declared legally dead only on October 25, 1956. He was born on april 20th 1889 in Braunau (Austria).
He was a member of the German army during the first World War (WWI). Hitler joined the NSDAP-party in september 1919.

Motives for Hitlers dead in 1945:
- with the dead of Hitler the alliance between the USSR and the USA could be broken and the 'cold war' could be started.
- with the dead of Hitler Stalin could not reproach the western (GB/USA) power that they had protected Hitler.
- with the dead of Hitler no expensive legal process had to be done.

In Germany there is a new movie called "Er is wieder da" (He is here again) about Hitler being alive in 2015 (!).

Book on Hitler died in Argentina by Abel Basti and Jan van Helsing. (First pages in Dutch)

Hitler’s Antarctic base: the myth and the reality

FBI files on Hitler

Escape route of Adolf Hitler
Berlin - Unter den Linden/Tiergarten with a JU52 plane to Tonder (DK) / pilot Flt. Kpt. Peter Baumgart (KG 200 unit) on april 29th 1945
Thonder Denmark with a JU52 plane to Travermünde (D) or with a JU252 plane to Spain mainland
Germany Travermünde ???
Spain mainland with U518
Spain Canary Islands with U530 to Argentina ??
Argentina Santo Pipo Missiones province
Argentina Bariloche Inalco House

Hunting Hitler on History Channel in 2015 (Series 1)
Episode 1 The hunt begins
Episode 2 Secret Nazi Lair
Episode 3 Escape from Berlin (april 21 1945)
Episode 4 The Tunnel [U6 u-bahn Berlin]
Episode 5 Ratlines
Episode 6 Hitlers SafeHouse
Episode 7 Friends in high places
Episode 8 Hitlers Plane

Hunting Hitler on History Channel in 2016 (Series 2)
Episode 1 The hunt continues
Episode 2 The Compound
Episode 3 Eyewitness
Episode 4 Die Spinne
Episode 5 The Factory
Episode 6 Atom Island (Bariloche) Dr. Richter
Episode 7 Grave M. Bormann
Episode 8 Bavarian city (Chili)

Declaration of War from Argentina on Germany was on march 27 1945.

Conference in Potsdam (Germany) was from july 17 1945 until august 2 1945.
Stalin talked about Hitler being not dead. He escaped by u-boat Stalin told everyone.

Cloud Computing

Er is veel discussie over wat nou eigenlijk wel en wat nou geen Cloud Computing is.

In de WhitePaper 800-145 staat helder beschreven wat wel en wat niet Cloud Computing is.
Deze white paper is te downloaden van:

De WhitePaper 800-145 is niet helemaal duidelijk over de rollen binnen Cloud Computing.
De Whitepaper 500-292 is daar wel weer heel duidelijk over. Deze white paper is te downloaden van:

Hoe maak je een Private Cloud ?

Microsoft Private Cloud Computing

VMWare Private Cloud

CCNA Exploration Companion Guides

CCNA Exploration Switching and Wireless (3)

CCNA Exploration Accessing the WAN (4)

Running ESXi 5.1 in Hyper-V 3.x

On many websites i have read that i could not be done.
But it is possible ... running ESXi within hyper-v 3.0 (Windows Server 2012 / Windows 8)
Why ? For the fun of it and for your own lab-environment.

How do you do it:

1. Download ESXi 5.1 from VMWARE.COM
2. Download Tulip NIC driver from
3. Download ESXi Customizer from
4. Run ESXi Customizer
5. Load ESXi ISO file in ESXi Customizer
6. Load tulip.vib in ESXi Customizer (downloaded at step 2)
7. Create custom ISO
8. Create New virtual machine in Hyper-v and add custom esxi ISO to this virtual machine
7. Give the new virtual machine 2 virtual processors and 4 GB internal memory
8. Remove NIC and Add legacy Network Adapter to the new virtual machine
9. Start virtual machine
9. Run ESXi installer

VDI Smackdown 2.0

Er is weer een nieuwe VDI Smackdown (pdf) van de hand van Ruben Spruijt, waarvan de eerste versie alweer in juni 2010 verscheen. Dit is een bijgewerkte versie met een overzicht van de stand van zaken in de markt van desktopvirtualisatie. Een vergelijk kan worden gemaakt tussen Citrix XenDesktop 5.6FP1, Citrix VDI-in-a-Box 5.2, Dell vWorkspace 7.6, Microsoft RDVH Windows8/Server 2012 en VMware View 5.2. Lees er hier meer over.

Inside Windows 8 – Mastering Windows Deployment Services and MDT 2012 Update 1


What is WIM2VHD? It is a tool that allows you to create sysprepped VHD and VHDX images from any official build of Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012.

This new release is completed rewritten in PowerShell. Support for creating VHD and VHDX images from .ISO files has been added!

One more thing for those who prefer UI, A new (and completely optional) graphical user interface has been added, making the creation of VHD and VHDX images as simple as a few mouse clicks!

Download from:


VDI in Windows Server 2012.

Microsoft TechDAYS 2013 Inside Windows 8 – The new assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK)

The Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) is the successor to Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK). Join Johan Arwidmark guiding you through the new deployment features, including PowerShell support, BitLocker provisioning, WinPE 4.0, Performance Assessment and much more.

Hypervisor Comparison

Windows Blue

I found some interesting articles i want to share with you on Windows BLUE.



Energiedrankjes worden in de markt gezet als oppepper voor lichaam en geest.Uit onderzoek van het Voedingscentrum blijkt dat bijna de helft van de jongeren niets merkt van het zogenoemde stimulerende effect.

Tweederde van de jongeren krijgt zelfs te maken met nadelige effecten van het drinken van energiedrankjes. Ze ervaren klachten, zoals moeilijk kunnen slapen of rusteloosheid.

Dat zijn de belangrijkste resultaten uit een onderzoek in opdracht van het Voedingscentrum, uitgevoerd door onderzoeksbureau Qrius. Het onderzoek werd gehouden onder 766 kinderen van 11 tot en met 18 jaar. Jongeren denken dat energiedrankjes een grotere oppepper geven dan koffie. Dat is een misvatting: in een kopje koffie zit evenveel cafeïne als in een blikje energiedrank (250 ml).

Bijna de helft merkt eigenlijk niets van een opwekkend effect. Ze worden er niet op een positieve manier actiever van. En dat terwijl tweederde van hen wel vervelende klachten krijgt: ze worden druk en hyperactief en kunnen maar lastig de slaap vatten. “Ik kan me niet concentreren en word snel boos”, zegt iemand. “Ik word er best vaak moe van”, meent een andere respondent. Jongeren die meerdere energiedrankjes per dag drinken dan het gemiddelde, zeggen ook meer te maken hebben met deze negatieve effecten. Jongeren kunnen dus beter de drankjes niet drinken met de verwachting een ‘energyboost’ te krijgen.

De onderzoeksresultaten onderschrijven de bestaande adviezen van het Voedingscentrum, om het gebruik van cafeïnerijke producten te matigen. Het Voedingscentrum ontraadt het gebruik van cafeïne voor kinderen onder de 13 jaar. Jongeren tussen de 13 en 18 jaar wordt aangeraden om de consumptie van cafeïnerijke producten zoals koffie en energiedrankjes te beperken tot maximaal 1 consumptie per dag.


VMWare Workstation 11.x to Hyper-V 2008(R2)/2012(R2) (VMDK to VHD)

Recent i had to move virtual machines from VMWare Workstation 11.x to Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 Hyper-V. This is a .VMDK to .VHD conversion tasks.

I started searching on the internet and could not found what i wanted.
I want to stand-alone convert virtual machines and not any tools
that you start from Vcenter server or Hyper-V server. I did not want to
use any plug-in either.

I found a way to do this.
I works fine !
All VM's are spinning on my Hyper-V Core server with no problems

Step 1. VMWare VCenter Converter
Download from:
Install on your computer

Stap 2. StarWind Software V2V
Download from:
Install on your computer

The actual conversion steps:

Step 1.
Write down the virtual networks you created in VMWare Workstation
and create them in Hyper-V.
Bridged = external
Local = Private

Step 2.
Write down the virtual machine settings in VMWare Workstation 11.x
- CPU cores etc.
- Number of harddisks
- Harddisk size

Step 3.
Start VMWare Vcenter Converter
Import virtual machine from VMWare Workstation 11.x
Convert it into a VMWare Workstation 8.x virtual machine
Do not be scared if it says that it takes one hour to convert.
Mostly it is ready after 15 - 20 minutes.
Do not try to convert ESXi VM's. They are not going to work on Hyper-V !

Step 4.
Start StarWind V2V Convert
Open your VMWare Workstation VMDK file from the previous step
and convert it in a Virtual PC dynamic disk
We are going to use only the virtual disk and not the settings from the VM.

Step 5.
Create a new virtual machine in Hyper-V
and select the disk you created in step 2
Do not worry about iSCSI in VMWARE en IDE in Microsoft.
It works fine
Select dynamic memory while creating this new virtual machine

Step 6.
Start the VM in Hyper-V
First it has to install some things

Step 7.
Log in into the VM with a local account
Do not use any AD DS domain account at this moment
The best way is to login with the local administrator account

Step 8.
Uninstall VMWare Tools if installed
Install Microsoft Hyper-V Integration Services in to the VM (this updates)
Check the Windows Activation and take action if needed